Thursday, July 28, 2005

Computers...blogging...this is truly an orwellian fantasy we've gotten ourselves into. 1984 is now. Of course that summated that we've got to be careful when big brother is watching. What we're doing now is asking big brother to watch us. We're gladly opening up our lives and thoughts to the world. We're becoming vulnerable because we want people to know us. We want to be known. Funny how in this world of constant connectedness, we are becoming increasingly disconnected with the souls of people.

Every Sunday as I walk the halls of our church asking people, how are you...the answer is rarely a deep one. Maybe that's because I give off an air of not really caring to begin with. That makes me sad. Because I know what it's like when people don't care about you. In the movie 1984, society got to the point where nothing was intimate anymore. The society had become somewhat sterile and controlled. (sounds like many of our churches today.) People were together, but they were alone.

It never ceases to amaze me how people cope with pain. Hidden pain. They sometimes don't talk about it because they think that it's a burden to other people. Can you believe that, they don't want to burden us? They're the ones in pain and tragedy. What is it to us to listen? Maybe that means we'll have to do something. And frankly, someone telling me about their cancer or the problems with a friend or the massacres going on in the Sudan or the problems with war...I don't really want to have to listen to that...I feel pushed to take action. And honestly, that's encroaching on my personal space. Besides, I have other things to think about you know? Reruns of The Apprentice are on and I forgot to set the TIVO.

But we all deal with it. We all have pain, addictions, anxiety and fear. And sadly enough, most of us hold it in. What would happen if we had a unanimous data dump? What if we all found someone we cared about and told them everything? Hmmm. I wonder how that would turn out? I know God's there to take it and Listen. King David Did it in the Psalms. and Psalm 88 isn't a nice little talk about how nice life is. It's pretty depressing. But, then so was 1984...the movie I mean, not the year...I liked the year 1984, but the movie...well, I'd rather ask someone how their doing.

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