Friday, June 08, 2007

Why Humor?

June is always a busy least it has been for the last few years. We're trying to find ways to reach people where they are. One way is comedy. An originator of the Group Theater in the early 1900's, Harold Clurman, said this. " Truth is like castor oil: the taste is bitter and people don’t like it; so you make them laugh, and when their mouths are open, you pour it in."

This has been my philosophy for quite some time now. I think that God grants his children certain gifts that are meant only to complement his creation. My gift happens to be humor. Of course, don't ask my wife how funny I am or she'll tell you the truth.

So, how are we implementing this humor in Worship? Simple. We prime the pump if you will...We get people ready to listen by breaking down any barrier that might be there. This first Sunday we asked the question, "where in the world is Jesus?" The beginning clip was what you see below. I think it's pretty funny. James, my good friend on the left, (I'm on the right), and I worked on this and his ideas were pretty good. I wish I could show you all the dialoge that led up to this final take, but it would take a while. It's nice to be able to spoof popular culture and utilize it for our own purposes. Enjoy. By the way, I'd love to hear your comments.


shell said...

Scot, you should so totally be in those Sonic commercials. Your expression and delivery were impeccable. Well done!! I've thought often of your humor & truth montra (I have no idea how to spell that word) over the years. I'm glad you are at a place where you can exercise your creativity, humor and giftedness while delivering truth to people.

bloggerdogg said...

This is too good. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Scott - that other guy is awsome!