Monday, March 03, 2008

Not Sure...

This week...I'm not sure what to write about. So, as any author would tell you, it doesn't matter what you write necessarily - just write. Things will flow. So, ok..I will. We've got about 4+ weeks to go until baby is here. Lord willing, it will go smoothly.
Other news...I'm currently in the beginning stages of two book ideas. One I'm working on with Michael Harbour, our preaching minister. It will be a rather exciting look at 'funerals.' Yes...very exciting stuff.

The other book is finally developing into a pretty solid idea. I think it could help more traditional congregations move forward into creating a more productive learning environment for their Sunday Worship services...Blah, blah, won't be a new york times bestseller, but hopefully a few people will read it and make some of the ideas their own. We'll see. I'm going to need a lot of encouragement though. My goal is to have a rough version by the middle of '09.

As far as other life goes, I just got a wii and I absolutely love it. Best thing ever. I'll let you know more about that later...once I get pics of me and Liv playing it together. Shelly...well, she's a bit too pregnant to care about playing tennis or golf, but Liv on the other hand is having the best time beating me at boxing. Also, I purchased the game 'Hannah Montana.' Pretty exciting I tell ya. The object is simple. Pick out your clothes that you will wear for the the dance moves at the concert...and then get money to shopping at stores across the world so that you can pick out more clothes to wear at the next concert. What else is there really?

Thanks for reading...more later.

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