I was looking for some similar words to Dogmatic today and this is what I came up with. "Rigid. Inflexible. Unbending. Strict. Narrow. Authoritarian. Dictatorial."
I grew up in an independent, Fundamental, Bible believing Baptist world. (I get tired just typing that phrase.) And yes, it did shape my beliefs a bit. I was raised to think that a few arguments and questions could be won and answered by just a few well selected scripture references. I was taught (informally) that once a question was answered, then you really didn't have to think about it again. You knew the answer. Therefore, the focus became making sure that others know the answers you know. Just the facts.
Yes…I really was sure of myself for quite a while. When people asked about Revelation and the end of the world, I knew the answer. In fact, I knew exactly how it would play out. I could type it up for you now in all its literal detail, but I would probably lose the few of you who actually take time to read this stuff. You want to know what happens when you die? I knew it! What about those in the world who have never heard about Jesus. Those who have never even heard the name of Jesus? Well, I knew…and frankly, it's really too bad for them. Bummer.
Of course, we were taught about God's grace, but weren't really taught that we should show such grace. There was a time when I was, sad to say, DOGMATIC. Rigid…Inflexible…Unbending…
But a bit later in life I discovered something about myself. When someone lacks Grace, there lacks personal experience. No grace…No experience. And I really had not experienced normal, living-in-the-world people. Fortunately, from knowing such people I've learned that there are fewer and fewer Black and White areas anymore. Grayness seems to be moving in like a typical April day on the shores of Galveston. Does this mean my faith is shaken? No. It means that I have more experiences now. I have several friends that weren't raised in a little fundamentalist bubble. And that is good.
So, why should you care about this? After all it is a bit of personal discovery really. I think you should care because at any given moment what someone needs more than a proof text or a solid, though out answer is this. A hug. You were expecting more weren't you? Actually to break it apart…what people need are words that encourage, arms that comfort, tears that sympathize, and feet that will meet them where they are. They need the real love of God showed from a living body. When you hug someone fully…dogmatics aren't present. Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever experienced a rigid, inflexible and unbending hug.
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