Sunday, September 09, 2007

Close Call

Well, I write tonight after a long week. 1 week ago, Shelly was crumpled over in pain because of, what she thought, was a pulled muscle in her neck. She endured it from Saturday until Tuesday morning when we got an appointment to visit our family doctor. She said it was muscular when she went in and the doctor said, "let me check you out." As he looked at her swollen neck, he said, "wow. This concerns me. You should probably call your fertility doctor. Can I get my colleague in here to take a look at this with me?" When He returned He said, "go ahead and go straight to the emergency room. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 $. Go..."

What we thought was a muscle pull was actually a series of blood clots from her neck to her underarm. One blood clot was in her Jugular. very close to her carotid Artery. Scary! We ended up being admitted and she stayed from Tuesday morning until Saturday Afternoon.

It came from left field. Fortunately, we have some doctors who are very smart. Although they have a slight idea why they happened, they still aren't sure why they happened up around her neck. My prayer is that the drugs do their work...the baby continues to be fine and that a sense of normalcy returns to Shelly. Thanks for all of your prayers.


Unknown said...

Scott, thanks for sharing about Shelly. I hope and pray things continue to improve.


Matt said...

Wow, that is really scary. I hope she is feeling better.