Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Soul Link 2007

Just finished another Soul Link Youth Conference. This year was an interesting and fun theme. "Called: The Evolution Of A Hero."

With all the Superhero projects in television, movies and books, it seems that the theme begged to be recognized. The world, in it's seeming quagmire of conflict is crying out for something bigger than itself to come to it's long overdue rescue. There really is a deepening desire for something great to break forth. Something or someone great that puts itself second to those in need.

What we did is find ways to compare superheroes to Bible Characters. It worked rather well actually. Comparing Batman to Moses seems a stretch, but to think that they both were born into privilege, both ran away to the wilderness to find themselves, then returned to the land of their birth so that they could spend the rest of their lives serving others seems a perfect simultaneous illustration.

With other analogies such as that, the stage was set to get people to thinking. It worked. I produced a few video segments that supported the theme. One was taking 4 teens to NYC to live the life of Moses in 3 days...(not literally of course, no one was harmed, except a few sheep maybe.) Day 1 was spent in opulence and fun in Manhattan. Day 2 was spent in Long Island learning how to be a a shepherd. Day 3 was spent serving people at a soup Kitchen in the bronx.

It was a fast-paced experience that I'd love to discuss. If you're interested, let me know and I'll tell you about planning, equipment and editing as well as logo/art design and development.

Overall, I was glad when it ended...The last week in February is typically the busiest week of the year for me...Yawn. Now on to the next project...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Super Beginnings

Was doing some research for class tonight and came across a story that occured in Seattle a few weeks ago. For more go to http://www.mysuperproposal.com/

So the story goes, that a guy wanted to propose to his girlfriend of 5 years, but found a way to do it for a superbowl ad. Long story short, after many rollercoaster moments until the last possible minute, the ad ended up on the cutting room floor. They never aired it. What they ended up doing was airing a similar ad during and episode of Veronica Mars. He asked her to marry him and the rest is history...and quite amusing and sweet and poignant today.

In her reaction, I love the fact that she seemed not only surprised, but shocked that it happened. I'm sure it was a flurry of emotion and bewilderment at how it all transpired, but the raw, 'I can't believe you chose me' reaction was pure, simple and beautiful. It made me laugh as well as swallow the apparant lump that had developed in my throat.

I love new beginnings. I love the feeling, the thoughts, the emotions, the grace, mercy and love that is given and received. It was a perfect reminder for my day today.

My wife and I are celebrating our 11th valentines day together. I'm constantly reminded how she not only chose me, but wanted me. Today we have a lovely reminder of our love...in the form of a sweet little 4 year old girl. It is a happy valentines day.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Space Between

Got a comment from a friend who said, why haven't you updated your blog? To be honest, I haven't really wanted to. I blogged about our IVF procedure...and, well, round 1 didn't take. We plan on doing yet 1 more...probably the last one. It does get rather expensive. So, I've been a bit standoffish on the writing. It's all part of life really. Sometimes things go your way and sometimes things don't. Actually, most times, things don't go your way or how you planned it. Maybe if your a part of the fortunate few who always get what they want, well, your either spoiled rotten, or completely detached from reality...usually it's both. But for the rest of us, we are occasionally blessed with moments of satisfaction, til we want something else.

I do believe that we aren't meant to be fully happy or satisfied..."yet" anyways. Maybe I'm a bit cynical. But I don't recall reading anywhere in the bible Jesus saying, "I have come to give you life..and happiness." Or "sing and be happy." Translated to mean, (shut up and don't rock the boat. You'll eat what your given and pretend to like it just like the rest of us.) [maybe that's in the first book of opinions.]

Then I come to the realization that we constantly live in the moment between satisfaction and dissatisfaction. If ever felt, they only last for a moment. But that's where the Grace of God comes into play. He says, "my grace is sufficient." My response is usually, "ok...whatever that means. I guess I'll wait and see." But it's true. We are in constant struggle for or against something. Survival in it'self is a miracle.

I guess I say all this to remind myself that God is gracious. He has met my needs and life could be much worse. Sound Depressing? Sometime it is, sometime it isn't. It's life.